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Winner: Independent Virtual Assistant
of the Year 2024

(West Midlands PA Awards)

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Apt Virtual Assistance is incredibly proud and so grateful to have won the 'Independent Virtual Assistant of the Year 2024' award at PA Forum's West Midlands PA Awards this year. This beautiful action-packed 1920s themed night was filled with opulence, prestige, enchantment and glamour, held at The National Conference Centre at The National Motorcycle Museum, in Birmingham. 

A huge thank you to Daniel Skermer and the PA Forum team and judges, for an amazing time, and for this immense recognition. We're also so proud to celebrate the supportive and collaborative community of Executive & Business Support Professionals across the West Midlands business community - a huge congratulations to all finalists and winners!


As always, a special thank you to our wonderful clients, colleagues, friends, family and supporters, who make it possible for Apt Virtual Assistance to thrive, and for achievements such as this one to happen. May these professions continue to grow and provide much needed support to all who need it!

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Highly Commended: VA of the Year 2023
(Strategic PA Network)

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Apt Virtual Assistance is very proud to have been awarded 'Highly Commended' for the 'Virtual Assistant of the Year' award at the Strategic PA Network's ‘PAVING THE WAY AWARDS’ 2023, held at Hilton, in Reading. 

A huge thank you to Sarah Howson, Marianne Whitlock and the Strategic PA Network team for an amazing evening, full of inspiration from wonderful speakers, and for this wonderful recognition in the Awards. We're also extremely happy to be part of such a supportive and collaborative community of VAs, EAs and PAs in the UK.


As always, a very special thank you to our wonderful clients, colleagues, friends, family and supporters, who never fail to champion our work - it means the world!

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Finalist: various awards in 2023

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One of 3 Finalists for the 'Virtual Assistant Star' award at the PA Life Awards 2023, held at Inca, in London.

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Finalist for the 'Virtual Assistant 2023' award at the Digital Women Awards 2023, held at Salsa Temple, in London.

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One of 3 Finalists for the 'Outstanding VA of the Year' award at the UK VA Awards 2023, held at Hilton, in Bournemouth.

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Finalist for the 'Virtual Assistant of the Year' award at Miss Jones' Business Support Awards 2023, held at Hijingo, in London.

Winner: Outstanding VA of the Year 2022
(UK VA Awards)

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Apt Virtual Assistance is incredibly proud and beyond excited to have been awarded 'Outstanding VA of the Year 2022' at the UK VA Awards' Gala dinner ceremony at the Hilton in Bournemouth this year, after an amazing VA Conference!

A huge thank you to Amanda Johnson and the VA Conference team, for an amazing time, and for this immense recognition. We're also so proud to be part of such a supportive and collaborative community, as is the VA world.


As always, a very special thank you to our wonderful clients, colleagues, friends, family and supporters, who make it possible for fantastic achievements such as this one to even happen! May this profession continue to grow and thrive, and bring much needed support to all who need it!

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Winner: England VA of the Year 2021
(UK VA Awards)


Apt Virtual Assistance is beyond honoured to have been awarded 'England VA of the Year 2021' at the UK VA Awards' online ceremony on March 2022!

You can read more about our journey in the PA Life Magazine article here


A huge thank you to the UK VA Awards' team for this immense recognition, and many congratulations to all finalists and runners-up in all award categories - an amazingly talented group of VAs,it's wonderful to see so many inspiring colleagues being recognised.

As always, a very special thank you to our wonderful clients, colleagues, friends, family and supporters, whom without we certainly wouldn't have got here, and whom we dedicate this accolade to!

May this profession continue to grow and thrive and bring much needed support to those who need it!


Winner: South East England VA of the Year 2021
(UK VA Awards)

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Apt Virtual Assistance was awarded 'South East England VA of the Year 2021' at UK VA Awards in September 2021!

We're so proud of this achievement, especially as it is the second year in a row, and also during such challenging times. A huge thank you to everyone involved at the awards, and we're so grateful for all the encouragement and support that the VA community provides.


As ever, a huge thank you to all our wonderful clients, families, friends and supporters - we're very lucky to be able to make a difference to the small businesses we support!

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Runner-up: UK Outstanding VA 2021
(UK VA Awards)

Apt Virtual Assistance was awarded runner-up 'UK Outstanding VA 2021' at the four-day online UK VA Awards event in March 2021!

We're so proud of this achievement two years in a row, and especially during such challenging times for us all. A huge thank you to everyone involved at the awards and the online event, which was full of great training sessions. We're truly grateful for all the encouragement and support, the VA industry seems to be stronger than ever as we support each other, and assist so many businesses to continue trading by adapting new ways of working online.


As ever, a huge thank you to all our wonderful clients, families, friends and supporters - we're very lucky to be able to help, and make a difference to the overwhelming workload juggling act!

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Winner: South East England VA of the Year 2020
(UK VA Awards)

South East England VA of the Year 2020 -

Apt Virtual Assistance was awarded winner of the 'South East England VA of the Year 2020' award at the UK VA Awards' Regional Finals in 2020!

We're incredibly proud of this achievement, it's our third award in less than three years in business and we could not be prouder of the work we do alongside so many hardworking, brave and resilient small business owners, who are doing their utmost to successfully get through the challenges we faced globally. A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful clients, our talented colleagues, our supportive friends and amazing family for the continuous support, and a huge thank you to the amazing UK VA Awards team!


Our message during this time was simply this: stay positive and stay strong - and when you can't, seek help - together we can and we will get through it!

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Runner-up: UK Outstanding VA 2020
(UK VA Awards)

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Apt Virtual Assistance was awarded runner-up 'UK Outstanding VA 2020' at the UK VA Awards at the annual VA Conference in 2020.

We're incredibly proud of this achievement, especially after winning the 'UK Best Newcomer VA 2019' award only just the year before! We were thrilled with the judges' comments noting our business' growth within such a short amount of time and for stating once again that we are 'one to watch'! A huge thank you to everyone involved at the awards and the conference, we're truly grateful for all the encouragement and support, the VA industry is growing stronger by the minute and it's very exciting.


A huge thank you also to all our wonderful clients, families, tribes and supporters - we're so lucky to do something we love and the recognition is definitely the cherry on top!


WINNER: UK Best Newcomer VA 2019
(UK VA Awards)


Apt Virtual Assistance has won the 'UK Best Newcomer VA 2019' award at the UK VA Awards!


The announcements were at the VA Conference, within The PA Show at Olympia London on the 27th February 2019. We're hugely thankful to the judges and organisers, and especially to our wonderful clients, whom we wouldn't be where we are today without, and who make all the hard work worth it!


We're also extremely grateful for all the incredible support received through the journey of being shortlisted, then finalists, then winners of this fantastic award! Thank you! 

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